Benny - The Stone Dancer
April 25th 2023 - By Rex Hohlbein
If you’ve spent any amount of time walking the neighborhood of Fremont in Seattle, which is at the Center-Of-The-Universe, you undoubtedly have seen the stacked stone sculptures of Benny the Stone Dancer. For over 20 years Benny has been sharing his art and artful way along the sidewalk, creatively defining the very center of the Center-Of-The-Universe!
Benny was born in Benghazi, Libya. When he was four years old he remembers chasing after the women of the household. They had run out of the building screaming, making their way to the University. They were distraught having been just told three students were shot and killed, one of them being Benny’s 20 year old cousin.
The experience traumatized Benny. For an entire month he didn’t say a word. One day, while at the beach with his grandparents, they asked him if he wanted to stack some stones. As he balanced one rock on another it opened something up for him and he began talking again.
In his early 20’s, seeing the violence of Muammar Gaddafi’s rule, he knew he had to leave, it was emotionally too difficult, too triggering for him. He arrived in Italy, studied English, and then came to America.
Benny is an important part of the Fremont neighborhood community fabric. His art sculptures connect him to folks walking past. A vibrant community swirls around him and his beautiful artful music and sculpture. For most of his time in Seattle Benny has struggled with homelessness. Years ago he met an Architect by the name of Ann Knowles. She invited him into her apartment to sleep on the couch, which turned into a deep friendship and decades of couch-surfing at her place.
Several months back Ann passed away. It has been extremely emotional for Benny. To make matters worse, he was diagnosed with lung-cancer and, if treatment does not work, has what looks to be less than a year of life left. He is 62 years old.
In several weeks he will need to move out of Ann’s apartment to the street. We are hoping the community can provide support to keep him inside for at least the next eight months to a year.
Our goal is to raise $10,000.00 for Benny.
We can do this! Many hands make light work!! You can donate by using Venmo to: @YouKnowMeNow. Comment that funds are for Benny. If Venmo asks, the associated phone is 206-330-1142. Or, you can write a check made out to Fawzi Benhariz and mail to Rex Hohlbein 2025 East Howe Street, Seattle WA 98112.
Every penny donated will go to Benny. If there are remaining funds, they will be given to someone struggling with homelessness. All use of funds will be shared with full-transparency.
If you donate, or even if you don’t donate, please leave a comment for Benny to read, giving him LOVE and encouragement! If you have past photos of Benny or his ARTwork, please also post in the comments.
Benny in his apartment, February 2023
Benny with one of his stone sculptures, October 2015
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