Making friends one pizza slice at a time
Aug 20th 2023 - By Rex Hohlbein
Somebody should do something.
There are approximately 2,375,000 people living in King County. Of those, about 53,000 are homeless. That equates to 45 people living inside to every one person living without housing.
What if not somebody, but everybody in King County was doing something to help those suffering without basic needs being met?
Government, Non-Profits, AND Religion are doing the heavy lifting in addressing homelessness. It's still not enough. The truth is, it never will be until we all get involved. Homelessness is a community crisis that needs a community response.
What if we were all there to assist the efforts already in place? What if, in addition to the programs and services available, there were 45 people creating a safety net for each and every person struggling through homelessness? What if?
Just imagine how beautiful that would be!
If you are having a hard time imagining what that type of world would look like in reality, let me give you an example.
For ten years, nearly every single day, Kevin, known on the streets as Pizza Man, has been handing out pizza to those living homeless in Seattle. Kevin will tell you, "It's not a big thing, it's nothing." Ask the folks he meets when walking past tents and RVs if it's nothing.
I asked one young woman when she was taking a slice of pizza from Kevin, "What does this mean to you, that Pizza Man comes to visit and bring a slice of pizza?" She looked at me, paused, then looked at Kevin, and started to cry. She said, "It means everything." She then went to him for a hug before walking back to her RV, turning again to say thank you.
Each of us has a gift, a talent, an expertise in our life. It would change our community overnight if each of us were open to the idea of sharing that gift with someone that is living unsheltered.
Making someone feel seen, or loved, may not seem to be part of the solution, but it is. When you take the time to get off your path, to be in service to someone struggling with theirs, you immediately become part of the solution for ending homelessness.
Just imagine.
Kevin meeting people while handing out pizza, August 2023
Kevin meeting people while handing out pizza, August 2023
I asked one young woman when she was taking a slice of pizza from Kevin, "What does this mean to you, that Pizza Man comes to visit and bring a slice of pizza?" She looked at me, paused, then looked at Kevin, and started to cry. She said, "It means everything."
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