If you are a dogLOVER
March 27th 2023 - By Rex Hohlbein
If you are a dogLOVER please read this post.
If you are a peopleLOVER you should read it too!
Please meet Grayson, he’s 30 years old. He grew up very poor in New York and has been on and off homeless for the last ten years. Despite a life of hardship, he’s a beautifully warm open person just trying to figure it all out.
The two things that have really been there for him in his life journey are music and his dog. Regarding music, he told me, “Music is my way of dealing with all the trials and tribulations of life. Music is a universal language that you can communicate with anyone and share how you are feeling in a certain moment. You can transfer your emotions through your songs. That’s important for me.”
His best friend is his dog Roshi, who means everything to him. He got him as a pup about two years ago, a year after his previous dog Honey passed away due to cancer. Grayson and Honey were together for 5 years. He’ll tell you emotionally, “We never left each other’s side.”
Right now Roshi is in the Seattle Animal Shelter and it’s killing Grayson to be separated from him. Roshi was taken due to issues surrounding Grayson’s homelessness. There are for sure two sides to the story, truth in both versions. The bottom line is that the shelter wants to get Roshi back to Grayson, they also want to make sure the situation is a good one.
Here is why I asked all dogLOVERS and peopleLOVERS to read this post. We need your help. If the shelter releases Roshi for adoption Grayson will never see Roshi again. If we can find someone to foster Roshi until Grayson is housed in a Tiny House, everyone is happy! The Animal Shelter is happy since Roshi will be released to stable housing and Grayson is happy to have his best friend back.
Grayson is in the process of working with LIHI to get into a Tiny Village. We don’t know how long this process will take, hopefully not longer than several weeks, a few months at worst. For those interested, Roshi is 2 years old, weighs 61 lbs, and is good with other dogs! IF you think you are interested please call Rex 206-330-1142. After we talk, and it looks like a good fit, the next step would be to visit Roshi at the Seattle Animal Shelter.
Please know this is a big step in Grayson’s life. He would forever be grateful, I know it would mean the whole beautiful world to him. LOVE.
Grayson on Capitol Hill, January 2023
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