EP029: Light of Love

Light of Love
Rex Hohlbein and Tomasz Biernacki

How to listen on my device? Episode transcript is available here

A while back we interviewed Casey for a 3-part series titled The Skipping Rock. It was one of our most popular stories shared! If you missed it, we highly recommend that you take the time to listen to Casey's story. I believe it will shift your understanding and feelings about the sex industry.

Casey was kind enough to come back into the studio for this 4th episode to have a follow up conversation, in part to answer some of the questions submitted to us from our listeners as well as share her own feelings about having told her story.

Casey’s sharing of her first hand experiences of falling into and then finding her way out of the sex industry gives us an opportunity to move past the debilitating and hurtful societal understanding we have of sex workers.

We can begin to change the narrative by seeing the individual, their beauty and their worth. Casey, and her team at Light Of Love, remind us that the limited choices brought by trauma have people living unintended lives, often ones with very little hope. She will tell you, through the loving light found in relationships, we can begin healing our community.

Casey and her team are tireless in their mission. If you would like to learn more about their work, or look into volunteer opportunities, please visit lightofloveseattle.org , Facebook and Instagram

Upcoming Event in Golden, Colorado: Taste and See, A Dessert Night Fundraiser for JLSW

Casey’s personal website if anyone wants to connect with her on a personal level and less organizationally. www.faith-casey.com

Excerpt from the episode
Let's  humanize the woman on the other side of the dollar.  You know, let's humanize the lost little boy that has been trapped in this cycle of being abused and now abusing others.  Let's find that identity. Let's see people as they were created to be. And not what the world has placed on them.

Casey in 2024


EP030: Community Joy


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