Please meet Tarah
Jan 11th 2024 - By Rex Hohlbein
Please meet Tarah. Her quick smile and comfortable way of talking has you feeling like friends in the first few moments. Tarah is 43 years old and on a spiritual journey, working things out with souls and spirits, some of whom she says are not nice, especially to children. Tarah lives homeless.
I asked if she wants to get back into housing after having left her Section 8 apartment and she said, "No, not yet. I left so that I could connect with the spirits."
Right now Tarah's biggest need is a new 10-12 person tent. The rats have eaten through the one she has now and it's freaking her out. She could also use a new sleeping bag, new pants - size 32/33 (I think she said size 12), and new shoes - size 11 women's wide, she said her feet are wide and she has a bunion. She said tennis shoes or boots are fine, she just needs something that is not falling apart. Oh, and she would reallyREALLY love a toe-nail clipper.
If you are able to donate any of the needed items, please shipTO or dropOFF at 2025 East Howe Street, Seattle WA 98112. If you have questions you can call Rex 206-330-1142.
If you would like to donate financially to Tarah, you can Venmo funds to: @YouKnowMeNow. All funds will go to Tarah, no funds go to You Know Me Now.
Tarah lives outside with no financial assistance. She did have a job at Uber Eats, but was fired. She gets food by going to the Food Bank. I don't honestly know how she makes it. Grateful that we met and get to be friends.
A bigBEAUTIFUL heartfelt THANK YOU to Facing Homelessness for providing Tarah with so much care at the Window of Kindness.
UPDATE Jan 13th 2024 : Earlier this week we met Tarah for the first time at the Facing Homelessness Window of Kindness. She was getting some needed items and beautiful human connection.
While there, Tarah shared she was badly in need of a new tent, rats had chewed through the one she had and it was falling apart fast. You Know Me Now posted a short story and immediately $375 was donated by compassionate folks for Tarah's needs. Then, this morning, when I was on my way to BIG 5 to purchase the 8-person tent, Blair Jordan called and asked if I wanted a Buddy Heater for Tarah, she had one to give being that she raised $800 on her Facebook page for those struggling outside with temperatures being in the teens.
An hour later we met at BIG 5, made the transfer, agreed it was seriously fricking cold, and hugged goodbye. Blair continued on her way handing out needed supplies to those outside.
A half hour later Tarah received her tent and Buddy Heater. She instantly began to cry. She was cold. I know some of those tears were for the tent and heater, but a good many of them were for all the people that got involved to make this happen, for being there for her.
A bigBIG LOVE to the Facing Homelessness Window of Kindness Volunteers, to the generous folks that donated $375 to Tarah here on YKMN, and to Blair Jordan for fundraising for, and picking up, the Buddy Heater for Tarah, wowWOW you village people!!!!
Tarah tearing up when hearing there was a Buddy Heater that had been donated to her.
UPDATE Feb 8th 2024: Why are small random acts of kindness so very important?
Aren't the solutions for solving homelessness all about addressing the big issues, such as housing, mental health, and drug rehab? What's kindness got to do with it?
Here's the thing - KINDNESS has everything to do with it!
None of our efforts to provide housing, mental health, and drug rehab will amount to a hill-of-beans if those in need don't feel loved. All of it begins with KINDNESS.
Tarah currently lives in a tent along the railroad tracks in the SODO neighborhood. From a previous post about Tarah, a kind woman by the name of Xenia Madison, who lives in California, noticed she had a wig on and messaged asking if Tarah would like a few other wigs.
When asked, Tarah replied, "I would love that! The wigs help me tap into different energy when I am out here and not feeling so good." Today Tarah was handed five new wigs, wowWOW! She immediately began crying, saying, "They are so very beautiful!"
We all might not be able to provide housing, or mental health counseling, or drug rehab, but each and every single one of us can creatively find a way to provide kindness.
A big community size LOVE to you Xenia for being so creatively compassionate and KIND to Tarah from so far away!
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