
July 2nd 2024 - By Rex Hohlbein

Jordan is 34 years old, born at Ballard Swedish Hospital, loves bicycles, is addicted to fentanyl, and lives homeless. When I asked how long he's been living on the streets, he took a moment to do the math, then said, "Damn, it's already been 11 years."

Jordan shared about his life in a way that I hear often, beginning by saying something about not having had a difficult childhood, but then you learn that it really was difficult.

Jordan's dad died when he was 6 months old. When he was 11 his mom got a new boyfriend, which coincides with when he began taking opiates. Jordan dropped out of high school his freshman year because he couldn't focus, problems at home and struggles with ADHD kept him from, as he says, "buckling down." His uncle was like a father to him but he died in an accident when Jordan was 19, his second father gone. Four years later he found himself living homeless.

Meeting Jordan was emotional for me. It could be because I instantly liked him, or perhaps because he's about the age of my two daughters. In him I saw so much of how society is failing us. A young man that would have benefited if his single mom had more support and if there was adequate mental health counseling for the issues that had him leaving high school before he even knew who he was. And now, the shortage of available housing and drug rehab that has him on the streets, wondering how to start over.

Jordan's plan is to get an RV and move into the Salmon Bay Village. From there he hopes to find housing through LIHI for a year, and then receive Section 8. It's a plan. It begins by getting an RV. If anyone has an RV, even if in horrible condition, and would consider gifting it to Jordan, please let us know.

It was a sincere pleasure meeting you Jordan. Thanks for sitting down with me and sharing so much about yourself. LOVE.

Ballard Neighborhood | Rex

Jordan, July 2024

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